Tuesday, October 18

going batty..

With all that's been going on around the nerdy nest, it would seem like there wouldn't be time for crafting.. oh no..not so!

I continued the tradition of girl's craft nights with some of the awesome ladies from the office.  This time around, it was decided we were making yarn-wrapped wreaths or wreaths adorned with felt flowers.  I was determined to add some fun to my Halloween decor, so I went with a lime, purple and black color scheme.

I really like the way the colors play off the papercut I made for last year's Halloween mantle.

I also took some glittery foam bats ($1/pack at JoAnn's), remaining yarn, and lots of hot glue to make a garland while we finished off some of the potluck goodies and cracked up while watching "Bridesmaids." That movie is hilarious!
For a final view of the mantle, you can see where I added in some spiderwebs, my vintage ceramic haunted house (made by Dear Mother) during her ceramics phase, our "House on the Hill" papercut from last year, the Man's favorite skull candle, and a few Target clearance headstones from the 80% off bin last Halloween.
The tall black candlestand (on the bottom right) is just waiting for a funky white pumpkin, a simple orange pretty, or maybe I'll finally cave and buy one of the glittery ones from the Dollar Spot at Target this week.

I still have a few things to add to our decor outside-- like a giant fuzzy purple spider, some tombstones, and hopefully a pumpkin or two, but I'll save that for closer to All Hallow's Eve.

For now, I'm doing good to not raid our stash of Halloween candy.  We've been stockpiling this year in preparation for the onslaught of little goblins like we had last year.

Have you any tricks or treats going on at your house of haunts?
Are you feeling a bit batty this time of year?

I linked this up at the Halloween link up party over at Eighteen25.

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