Friday, July 31

no more dumpster diving!

We took a little break from checking on the house.  We were getting impatient and not much was happening.
When we returned to the lot on July 22nd, one big change had happened.

They moved our dumpster!  For the first time in a few months, I can take a picture of the whole front of the house, without crazy maneuvering.

Excited to see a porch, driveway, some stone, and a little landscaping eventually!

As we walked into the house, we noticed even more changes...
Our attic ladder and door was added..

And we had doors!
 Trim was installed as well -  casing around the dining room entry.  Crown on the ceilings..

I just love crown molding.. and judge's paneling..

The whole week was all about the trim.. baseboards were added, along with the handrails on the stairs.
 The kitchen is just begging for some cabinets..
 More judge's paneling for the dining room..
 And I love the detail work on our column in the center!

That extra touch was a nice surprise.

The whole week was spent on trim though, and as of Friday, July 24th - it still wasn't finished being caulked or painted.

I'm not quite sure what to expect next, but I don't see us making everything come together in time.  Maybe adding the finishing touches on a house works a lot faster than I'm expecting.

Either way.. to cure my impatience and to end on a positive note.. here is Loki in a bag.

Dumpster removal, doors, and trim - days 186-188 of our build

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